EV Powertrain
Meetings: Fridays @ 6:00 PM
This team focused on the analysis, mounting, and creation of all powertrain systems on the EV car ensuring proper function and durability
headshot of lead
Matthew Carolla
EV Powertrain Lead
"This team has been the perfect opportunity for me to explore my passion for motorsport engineering and has let me find a niche at UTD that I deeply care about. This team has let me teach other passionate individuals about topics I care about, which is something I'm very grateful for. I hope I can continue this process of learning and teaching for future members to continue to benefit from."


Being a member of Powertrain (this applies to many other subteams as well), you can learn concepts taught in senior-level engineering courses and beyond, such as Solidworks and FEA/fluid simulations, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, design of mechanical systems, and statics/dynamics.


The number one quality of a new member is motivation and being eager to learn. We would much rather work with someone who does not know anything about cars but is willing to learn, than someone that thinks they know everything. FSAE is a lot more work than your average organization, so those that continue to stick with it and always looking for ways to improve are the ones that stand out.