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Join the Team

No previous experience needed

Join multiple teams

Open to all majors

No time commitment


Shop Location: ECSW RM 1.455

General Overview

Open to all majors

Join the Discord for all team updates

All members are required to fill out the interest form as proof of signing the code of conduct. Dallas Formula Racing members are expected to create a supportive work environment that is free from harassment, intimidation, bias, and discrimination. Our code of conduct is to help maintain a healthy team culture that enables all members to feel respected, safe, and allows everyone to grow into better engineers and people.

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Become a Lead


Well versed in vehicle dynamics

Understand system limits

Effective engineering process


Be an effective teammate

Work closely with all leads

Communcation skills with your team


Be an active and hard-working member of DFR

Take initiative on projects

Contribute unique interpretations within FSAE limits

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Buckle up and Drive

Hop in the Driver's Seat

Be an active and dedicated member

Practice hours on our racing simulator

Effective engineering process

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Attending Competition

Invitations to Competition

Being a leader of Dallas Formula Racing that represents the organization and reflects our values

Demonstrate soft and techincal skills that will assist the team stand out

Apply for positions when applications for competition open