Meetings: Thursdays @ 7:30 PM
The electrical sub team is responsible for the design and execution of the vehicle’s electrical systems, including the ECU, wire harness, safety systems, and data acquisition.
headshot of lead
Daniel Apostolov
Email: daniel.apostolov@utdallas.edu
Electrical Lead
Working with DFR has been my most enjoyable way in building experience while exploring the different technologies that are available to me as a potential career path. The amount of exposure and knowledge I received over the years is invaluable. I am looking forward to sharing these experiences with future members and see the fruit of their work on a functional formula race car!


The all projects regardless if you are working on the gasoline or electric car, we don’t required you to have the knowledge. What we look for is dedication and communication within the team. For both sides of the team you will be spending a lot of time looking of part data sheets, ruling basic calculation. Communication is a very critical part of the team espically in EV car development since this is a frontier for everyone involved.


Members aren't required to have any outside knowledge. I was intimidated by the electrical team due to all the parts that were involved. However, we want members who are willing to learn and stick with the team. Our goal is to make sure that each dedicated member is confident in taking on projects and leading members within the team.