Meetings: Tuesdays @ 7:15 PM
This team focuses on crucial control systems of the vehicle including the brakes system, shifting system, dash interface, and pedal box while also engineering with account to the ergonomic aspects of the vehicle such as the steering wheel and seat.
headshot of lead
Zoe Lao
Ergonomics Lead
This team has introduced me to the real world of engineering. I have been able to develop myself as an engineer by working as a part of a dedicated engineering team and gaining experience that will help me in the real world. I find myself surrounded by like-minded and passionate individuals all working together towards a common goal, being fast!


SolidWorks is widely utilized for CAD and FEA's to validate designs and ensure an appropriate factor of safety. Microsoft Excel and MATLAB are also used to perform calculations for the necessary components of the vehicle such as the brakes. Alongside with these programs, the ergonomics subteam heavily relies on other subteams with the constraints that they provide-- thus, communication and project management is heavily emphasized as a skill to nurture.


Anything the driver touches to control the car, our subteam creates. The main objective of this subteam is to optimize all associated systems to ennsure top driver performance without compromising for the vehicle. New members can expect to create something that will directly impact the vehicle to maximize lap times in a way most might not think of. Our subteam's main goal for new members is to teach as much as possible about CAD, FEA's, and designing well-engineered components through proper design processes.