Meetings: Thursdays @ 5:30 PM
The software subteam specializes in creating programs that help collect and analyze data for our race car. Whenever we push our car to the limit, we need to make sure that all of our components are running smoothly. Our projects like DataAnalyzer and PitSoftware help us do just that.
headshot of lead
Arjun Nayak
Software Lead
Being a part of this team has taught me so much about the parts of the car and how they interact with each other. I came into this team with a passion for programming and engineering and was able to watch both of these disciplines interact with each other to form a cohesive product. I hope to involve more people and teach them how to program and how we use it to analyze vehicle dynamics.


New members can learn about how to use Git and how we use repositories to manage and add contributions. They will also learn about programming OOP, CI/CD, Devops, ML, data analysis, agile, and web dev techinques used in the real world.


New members joining the team can gain insight into the role of data in optimizing vehicle setup and develop skills in creating user-friendly products for fellow sub-team members. They will also learn to collaborate with other sub-teams to integrate their ideas into the DataAnalyzer project. Our primary focus currently is on enhancing the functionality of the DataAnalyzer program, dedicated to analyzing data from the car's ECU and sensors, with ongoing efforts to incorporate additional channels for analysis.