Creating dashboard with react/flask to visualize for steering, pedals, throttle, and brakes. Designing accelerometer
Read and deserialize data from DAQ sytems on the car
Pipeline to convert, process, filter and analyze data in the pit for prompt performance feedback when testing the car
Hook into Box and Discord APIs to transfer and store data for ease of access for the rest of the team
New members can learn about how to use Git and how we use repositories to manage and add contributions. They will also learn about programming OOP, CI/CD, Devops, ML, data analysis, agile, and web dev techinques used in the real world.
New members joining the team can gain insight into the role of data in optimizing vehicle setup and develop skills in creating user-friendly products for fellow sub-team members. They will also learn to collaborate with other sub-teams to integrate their ideas into the DataAnalyzer project. Our primary focus currently is on enhancing the functionality of the DataAnalyzer program, dedicated to analyzing data from the car's ECU and sensors, with ongoing efforts to incorporate additional channels for analysis.